Rain's Reading Recommendations
An On-line Bookstore
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All of the books I recommend here are, in my opinion, the best on the market. They offer information for everyone from the curious parent who wishes to know JUST what their teen-ager is up to, to the mature Pagan who wishes to explore the history and future of Paganism, Wicca, and/or Ecclectic Solitary Practice. Each book here is recognized by many in the community as authoratative. As an associate of Amazon.com , you can be sure you are getting an honest price from a respected retailer.


of Darkness :
Witchcraft in EarlyModern England
by James Sharpe

Witchcraft the Old Religion

by Leo Louis Martello

Simple Spells for Love:
Ancient Practices for
Emotional Fulfillment

by Barrie Dolnick

Simple Spells for Success:
Ancient Practices for
Creating Abundance

by Barrie Dolnick

Spell Crafts:
Creating Magical Objects
(Llewellyn's Practical Magic)

by Scott Cunningham &
David Harrington

Spinning Spells, Weaving Wonders:
Modern Magic for Everyday Life

by Patricia Telesco

To Ride a Silver Broomstick:
New Generation Witchcraft
by Silver Ravenwolf

To Stir a Magick Cauldron:
A Witch's Guide to
Casting and Conjuring
by Silver Ravenwolf

Ways of the Strega:
Italian Witchcraft:
Its Lore, Magick, and Spells
by Raven Grimassi

Trancing the Witch's Wheel:
A Guide to Magickal Meditation

by Yasmine Galenorn

Wicca Craft:
The Modern Witches Book of Herbs,
Magick and Dreams
by Gerina Dunwich

Witchcraft from the Inside:
Origins of the Fastest Growing Religious Movement in America
by Raymond Buckland

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This page last updated 9/28/98