Rain's Reading Recommendations
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The Offerings of Phoenix Publishing
Available from Rain's Reading Recommendations

All of the books I recommend here are, in my opinion, the best on the market. They offer information for everyone from the curious parent who wishes to know JUST what their teen-ager is up to, to the mature Pagan who wishes to explore the history and future of Paganism, Wicca, and/or Ecclectic Solitary Practice. Each book here is recognized by many in the community as authoratative. As an associate of Amazon.com , you can be sure you are getting an honest price from a respected retailer.



Coming Soon


Aradia : Gospel of the Witches

by Charles G Leland

Compendium of Herbal Magick

by Paul V. Beyerl

Ritual Body Art : Body Painting for Ritual & Magic

by Charles Arnold


by Robin Skelton

Tree Medicine Tree Magic

by Ellen Evert Hopman

How to Make and Use a Magic Mirror: Psychic Windows Into New Worlds

by Donald Tyson

West Country Wicca : A Journal of the Old Religion

by Rhiannon Ryall

Wiccacraft for Families

by Margie McArthur

Witchcraft, Satanism & Occult Crime : Who's Who & What's What,a Reference Manual for the Professional Investigator

by Church of All Worlds Staff
$4.00 + $2.35 special surcharge

The Pagan Path

by Janet Farrar, Stewart Farrar, Gavin Bone

Spells and How They Work

by Janet Farrar, Stewart Farrar

ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present

by Doreen Valiente

Witchcraft : A Tradition Renewed

by Doreen Valiente, Evan Jones


Witchcraft for Tomorrow (Illustrated)

by Doreen Valiente


Natural Magic

by Doreen Valiente

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This page last updated 9/28/98