Pagan and Wiccan Information and Education


These links are presented for information. You are encouraged to read them with an open mind. The WebMaster makes no claim for the content of the links, and not all links reflect the beliefs of the WebMaster.

The Witches' Federal Law Memorandum
The Witch's Voice If you only check out one link on this page... THIS should be it!
Ontario Consultants for Religious Tolerance An agency promoting religious tolerance as a human right
A Child's Look at Witches - A unique and interesting introduction to the Craft of the Wise
The Pagan Library-An excellant site with information, book reviews, humor and more. The reference section is thought provoking; you may not agree with all you read, but it WILL make you think. Just enter a search term into the Google Window and go.
Eliki's Valley of the Ancients - This is a superb, beautifully done site with a tremendous amount of information. You will want to visit it again and again.
Celebrating the Seasons: Lore and Rituals
Shadowdrake - This website is designed as resource for such topics as traditional Witchcraft, Paganism, Celts, Vikings, herbology, and folklore
The Encyclopedia Mythica
Should I Raise a Pagan Child? - A thoughtful essay on Pagan parenting
The Pagan Web has been offering online education to the Pagan community since 1996. Join us to participate in online rituals,workshops and chat groups with people from all over the world.
Alternative religions at About.Com - Here you will find timely info on Wicca, Asatru, Druidry, Santeria, and many other paths
Earth Magic Productions, Inc. - Home Page for Marion Wienstein's organization
Wicca na hErin - The Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone Web Pages