Please read the Article which prompted this response On
my honor - Reflections on the war between
the Boy Scouts and the Unitarian Universalists -- by someone with
a foot in both camps
Now, as I read about the conflict between the UUA and the BSA, I am torn. I have always felt a deep sense of pride in my accomplishments as a Scout, and respected the organization as one of the major influences in my life. I now find with the narrow minded, fundamentalist redefinition of The Boy Scouts of America I have lost that respect, and more, I am angry with those who have corrupted it. When I was a Scout, we were taught the tolerance of other beliefs. The "World Jamborees" were a celebration of the diversity of cultures coming together under the banner of Scouting. Has the Scouting movement lost this? Are they now telling Scouts that their Hindu Brothers in India or Shinto Brothers in Japan are not really Scouts? I am afraid that this organization has lost much in the last 30 years. Can the baby be saved as we throw out the bath water? Perhaps as a community of former Scouts and Eagle Scouts we have have enough of a voice to impact the administration at BSA Headquarters. If you feel so moved, you may e-mail me at
Following the BSA's stand on homosexuality, I considered having my name removed from the Roll of Eagle Scouts. It was not a decision I considered lightly. I was talked out of it by my Mother (my Father, now deceased, was Scout Master) and 3 brothers (also Eagle Scouts). I find that I now reject this as an option, despite the BSA's present stances on non-theistic religious beliefs and homosexuality. Others in the Scouting community have reminded me that self-martyrdom accomplishes nothing. I will adopt a pro-active stance and if the Boy Scouts of America deems it appropriate to rescind my Honors, they will have proven to me and the world that the leadership of this organization is not worthy of respect.
Essay Copyright 1998 © by Rain SilverSplash. This article may be distributed freely, so long as this notice remains and the article is in no way edited from it's original form. No fee may be charged for the distribution of this article in any form without consent of the author.
Read more about the conflicts between the Unitarian
Universalist Association and the Boy Scouts of America
Twins may apply for Eagle Scout rank
The Boy Scouts of America must allow two California boys, who refuse to swear an oath to God, to proceed with efforts to become Eagle Scouts, the state’s high court has ruled.
Visit the website of an organization dedicated to the belief that Boy Scouts is an organization worth saving for ALL young people....Scouting For All!
This page last updated 8/12/98